Announced: 26.12.2024 16:14. Last modified: 26.12.2024 16:24
Пара, гаряча вода та пов’язана продукція (послуга з постачання теплової енергії)
Tender ID | UA-2024-12-26-013108-a | |
ID | d77af8d6952d4bb08c8d2bbeec533cd2 | |
Plan ID | UA-P-2024-12-26-014698-a |
Expected price
6`101`528.88 Hryvnia
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Procurement entity
Official name | Municipal institution Mykolaiv Zoo | |
Expected price | 6`101`528.88 Hryvnia (VAT included) | |
Cause | Lack of competition due to technical reasons | |
Purchase procedure |
Purchase without the use of an electronic system
Procurement Category: | Servises |
Choice of contractor
Preparation of contract
Procurement specifications
1) |
теплова енергія (умовно-змінна частина двоставкового тарифу)
ДК 021:2015: 09320000-8 - Пара, гаряча вода та пов’язана продукція
Delivery address: 54003, Україна, Миколаївська область, Миколаїв, площа Миколи Леонтовича, б. 1
Required maximum delivery date
: 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
A price per unit: 2652.88 Hryvnia
Quantity: 1680 гігакалорія
2) |
умовно-постійна частина двоставкового тарифу
ДК 021:2015: 09320000-8 - Пара, гаряча вода та пов’язана продукція
Delivery address: 54003, Україна, Миколаївська область, Миколаїв, площа Миколи Леонтовича, б. 1
Required maximum delivery date
: 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
A price per unit: 137044.07 Hryvnia
Quantity: 12 місяць
Tender documents
Document type is not specified
529 Обгр.pdf
For the subject of procurementтеплова енергія (умовно-змінна частина д
Published: 26.12.2024 16:14
version from date: 26.12.2024 16:14
ID: 64ddd2d158ac436284d6775fc881c096
Tender notice
Published: 26.12.2024 16:22
version from date: 26.12.2024 16:22
ID: 8705a51728674097ab7681e6b7af8a37
Tender configuration
Auction | ?:config no | |
The following order of Awards | Yes | |
The price is limited by the expected value | Yes | |
he currency of the offer is determined by the expected value | Yes | |
Prequalification | ?:config no | |
Minimum number of offers | 1 | |
Prequalified participants selection | ?:config no | |
Tender documentation complain | ?:config no | |
Awards complain | ?:config no | |
Cancellation complain | ?:config no | |
Expected value | Yes | |
Qualification results complain | ?:config no | |
Number of days between the deadline for conditions appeal and the deadline for submitting proposals | 0 | |
Qualification results complain duration | 0 | |
Award complain duration | 0 | |
Cancellation complain duration | 0 | |
The number of days for providing explanations for appeals | 0 | |
Qualification duration | 0 | |
Limited access | ?:config no |
Procurement entity
Official name | Municipal institution Mykolaiv Zoo |
National ID / Tax Number | 02219760 |
Legal address | 54003, Україна, Миколаївська область, Миколаїв, площа Миколи Леонтовича, буд. 1 |
Qualification of participants
Price offer
Hryvnia VAT included
26.12.2024 16:16
Contract number
Date of signing
Start date
Expiration Date
Tender contract amount
6`101`528.88 Hryvnia VAT included
?:tender contract amountNet
5`084`607.40 Hryvnia