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Очікуйте дзвінка

Announced: 24.09.2024 13:32. Last modified: 24.09.2024 13:44

код ДК 021:2015 – 90920000-2 Послуги із санітарно-гігієнічної обробки приміщень (послуги з дератизації) - ?:tender subpage tender menu monitorings

Tender ID UA-2024-09-24-007731-a  
ID 0f2c3a360cb340ac9bd3d52c87465b01  
Expected price
275.50 Hryvnia
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Procurement entity

Official name ME Management company on housing service of the Pechersk district. Kiev  
Expected price 275.50 Hryvnia (VAT included)  
Cause There was an urgent need to make a purchase in connection with the occurrence of objective circumstances that make it impossible for the customer to comply with the terms for the purchase using open tenders and/or an electronic catalog  
Cause description пп.4 п.13 Особливостей, затверджених Постановою КМУ від 12.10.2022 №1178  
Purchase procedure
Purchase without the use of an electronic system
Choice of contractor
Preparation of contract
There is no any monitoring for this procurement