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Announced: 19.09.2024 17:36. Last modified: 19.09.2024 17:36

Машини для обробки даних (апаратна частина)

Tender ID UA-2024-09-19-014124-a  
ID 4980743304924d768d9d456fe017353c  
Plan ID UA-P-2024-09-19-018419-a  
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Procurement entity

Official name I.M.Frantsevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science National Academy of Science of Ukraine  
Expected price 23`000.00 Hryvnia (VAT included)  
Purchase procedure Price Quotation  
Procurement Category: Goods  
Bid apply
till 24.09.24
Remains4 days. Hurry to participate! Hurry to participate!

Terms of the payment

Title of event Goods delivery  
Type of the payment Payment after delivery (made works)  
Payment amount (IMPORTANT: Total payment terms must be 100%) 100%  
Period 7 Banking days  

Procurement specifications

Комп'ютер настільний Tower, Intel Core i5 12-покоління, Intel H610, 16 Гб, 480 Гб, DOS/Linux/без ОС
ДК 021:2015: 30210000-4 - Машини для обробки даних (апаратна частина)
Delivery address: Україна
Required maximum delivery date : 31.10.2024
Quantity: 1 штука

Tender documents

Draft contract
Проєкт договору Prozorro market_3021.docx
Published: 19.09.2024 17:35
version from date: 19.09.2024 17:35
ID: 5757fc718f7e4687a6a14b76c988ac05
Tender notice
Published: 19.09.2024 17:36
version from date: 19.09.2024 17:36
ID: 2a9eae9f6572457fbe8f25a0cbd5887d
Tender notice
Published: 19.09.2024 17:35
version from date: 19.09.2024 17:35
ID: 2a9eae9f6572457fbe8f25a0cbd5887d

Description of criteria

Технічні характеристики предмета закупівлі
Комп'ютер настільний Tower, Intel Core i5 12-покоління, Intel H610, 16 Гб, 480 Гб, DOS/Linux/без ОС
The criterion refers to the subject of procurement Комп'ютер настільний Tower, Intel Core i
Технічні характеристики
Чіпсет : Intel H610
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
DisplayPort ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 2
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Мережевий адаптер (RJ45) : 1
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Операційна система : Ubuntu Linux, FreeDOS, без ОС
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
HDMI ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 2
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Об'єм оперативної пам'яті ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 16 - 16
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Гарантійний термін ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 12 - 60
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 4
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 2
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Пропускна здатність шини пам'яті : 3200 MT/s, 4800 MT/s
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Стандарт Wi-Fi : Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), немає
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
В комплекті : -, дротова клавіатура, дротова миша
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
USB 2.0 Type-A ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 6
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Об'єм накопичувача HDD ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 12000
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Форм-фактор : вежа (Tower)
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Графічний адаптер : Intel UHD 730, Intel UHD Graphics
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
COM-port : , 1
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Слот для карт пам'яті : , 1
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
VGA (D-Sub) : , 1
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Серія процесору : Intel Core i5 12 Gen
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Об'єм накопичувача SSD ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 480 - 512
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Роз'єм для замку безпеки : , 1
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Оптичний привод : немає
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 6
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Потужність блока живлення ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 400 - 600
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Стандарт Bluetooth : 5.1, 5.3, 5.2, 5.0, 4.2, немає
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C ?:tender criteria requirement min_maxValue: 0 - 2
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Процесор : Intel Core i5-12400, Intel Core i5-12400F
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024
Тип оперативної пам'яті : DDR4
Requirement status: "Active"

Date of publication of the requirement: 19.09.2024


Date of publication 19.09.2024 17:36  
Proposals start date 19.09.2024 17:36  
Proposals end date 24.09.2024 00:00  
Auction start date expected  

Procurement entity

Official name I.M.Frantsevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science National Academy of Science of Ukraine  
National ID / Tax Number 05416930  
Legal address Україна