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The contract is published 23.09.2024 13:36. Date of last changes: 23.09.2024 14:20

Студентський квиток -

Contract ID UA-2024-09-23-007066-a-a1  
ID ae054d11538c4b1295f009c7715c7e40  
The amount of the contract
7`392.00 Hryvnia

Сontract identification

The amount of the contract 7`392.00 Hryvnia (VAT included)  
Agreement price without VAT 6`160.00 Hryvnia  
Total payments under the agreement 7`392.00 Hryvnia (VAT included)  
Total payments under the agreement without VAT 6`160.00 Hryvnia  
Contract number 152  
Date of signing 20.09.2024  
Start date 20.09.2024  
Expiration Date 31.12.2024  
The contract was signed and was in force, but already concluded. It may be caused by execution of the contract, or early termination due to some incomplete.

Nomenclature contract

Студентський квиток
ДК 021:2015: 22450000-9 - Друкована продукція з елементами захисту
Delivery address: 36020, Україна, Полтавська область, м. Полтава, вул. Соборності, буд. 11
Required maximum delivery date : 20.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
A price per unit: 132 Hryvnia
Quantity: 56 штука

Contract documents / changes

Annexes to the Contract
Published: 23.09.2024 13:41
ID: 530d9c8f7051431d97a9351df136c617
Annexes to the Contract
Published: 23.09.2024 13:44
ID: 2579823a22394bbd9a5ddc3521c0318d
Document type is not specified
Published: 23.09.2024 14:20
ID: 1e0b7d8e9e8148d8a0fced0c4bd732a3

Procurement entity

Official name Полтавський фаховий коледж мистецтв імені М.В. Лисенка  
National ID / Tax Number 02214277  
Legal address 36020, Україна, Полтавська область, м Полтава, Соборності, 11  
Purchase procedure Purchase without the use of an electronic system  

Information about supplier

Name of Entity ПрАТ " Науково-дослідний інститут прикладних інформаційних технологій "  
National ID 30674051  
Legal address 01010, Україна, Київська область, м.Київ, вул. Івана Мазепи, буд. 3