The contract is published 29.03.2023 11:46. Date of last changes: 29.03.2023 12:59
Дріжджі -
Contract ID | UA-2023-03-29-003665-a-b1 | |
ID | 55008f32412f46b6af3be51a57ab40f6 |
The amount of the contract
360.00 Hryvnia
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 360.00 Hryvnia (no VAT) | |
Total payments under the agreement | 360.00 Hryvnia (no VAT) | |
Contract number | 216 | |
Date of signing | 29.03.2023 | |
Start date | 29.03.2023 | |
Expiration Date | 31.12.2023 |
The contract was signed and was in force, but already concluded. It may be caused by execution of the contract, or early termination due to some incomplete.
Nomenclature contract
1) |
ДК 021:2015: 15890000-3 - Продукти харчування та сушені продукти різні
Delivery address: 32000, Україна, Хмельницька область, м.Городок, вул.Шевченка, 40
Required maximum delivery date
: 31.12.2023
Quantity: 30 кілограм
Contract documents / changes
Document type is not specified
Published: 29.03.2023 11:43
ID: c7313b1047e54fcba85b26ff2e6e7957
Document type is not specified
Published: 29.03.2023 12:59
ID: e595b990f6194f23a6225d7cea5c6dc7
Procurement entity
Official name | КНП "Городоцька міська багатопрофільна лікарня" |
National ID / Tax Number | 02004216 |
Legal address | 32000, Україна, Хмельницька область, Городок, вул.Шевченка, 40 |
Purchase procedure | Purchase without the use of an electronic system |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | ФОП Мельничук О.М. |
National ID | 3629106310 |
Legal address | 32008, Україна, Хмельницька область, с.Чорниводи, Хмельницький район, вул.Київська,73 |