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Announced: 26.09.2024 14:19. Last modified: 26.09.2024 14:45

Пакети для сміття згідно ДК 021:2015 код 19640000-4 Поліетиленові мішки та пакети для сміття - ?:tender subpage tender menu monitorings

Tender ID UA-2024-09-26-008106-a  
ID a0b5929faaff409e826fd5b105253c85  
Expected price
199`938.00 Hryvnia
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Procurement entity

Official name Komunalne nekomerciine pidpriyemstvo «Tsentr ekstrenoyi medichnoyi dopomogi ta medicini katastrof mista Kiyeva» vikonavchogo organu Kiyivskoyi miskoyi radi (Kiyivskoyi miskoyi derzhavnoyi administraciyi).  
Expected price 199`938.00 Hryvnia (VAT included)  
Cause Purchases are made from enterprises or organizations founded by a public organization of persons with disabilities and authorized to use tax benefits  
Purchase procedure
Purchase without the use of an electronic system
Choice of contractor
Preparation of contract
There is no any monitoring for this procurement